Making your dreams come true is a very difficult undertaking. In fact it can feel darn near impossible at times.
Achieving the success we’ve always dreamed about seems to look easy when we look at all the successful business people, actors, athletes, and entrepreneurs we know of. However, last time I checked, there wasn’t a “How to ACTUALLY become successful in business” course in college or an MBA program. There isn’t a cultural rule to follow, no civic understanding, and my generation seems to be stuck between entitlement and laziness. How do those of us who have a desire for success in life, a dream to change our corner of the world, a passion for greatness, and a belief in serving others for success actually get on the road to thriving rather and clawing everyday just to survive?
The struggle I have is this; as I build content to sell and deliver I grow a bank of sellable goods and tangible things to be sold. Maybe yours are clothing, technology, ideas, beauty products, books, music, or maybe even films. Once I have the building done I seem to move quickly into the selling phase. From the selling comes the delivery of the product which, when done right, usually leads to more sales which tends to take away from the building phase. This is great except when we run out of sales and delivery and go back to building, the momentum gained seems to be lost and we can struggle to regain that bounce we had just a few short months ago.
In discussions with my closest advisor yesterday I uncovered 3 main areas where we, as Chet Holmes would call us, One Person Army’s, can focus to regain the momentum we lose and my advisor and I uncovered a way to actually guide ourselves to the success we so clearly see. Let’s be clear this is not an exhaustive guide rather a beginning to the process. A place to start. The launch co-ordinates for stratospherical success as my friend Bob Burg would call it.
Vision, Strategy, Tactical Implementation: There are 3 different ways to look at where we are going as sales people, business people, and entrepreneurs. All three are important and have varying roles in achieving success. Vision of the end result sets in motion all other facets of the plan. What is the vision of the end result? Do you want to change the world of fashion? Develop the newest medical technology? Create a new way of communicating, or start the longest running talk show ever? Whatever the dream is think it, ink it, and write it down. Next we want to strategize as to the long term plan which will get us there. This strategy is flexible but often will not change with time. Thirdly we establish the tactical implementation of the the strategy. These are timed, short term actions taken to complete the strategy which will create the vision.
Develop a rock star schedule: Our time is the only thing which cannot be adjusted. I have heard people say “successful people buy time” or “you have to make time”. These people also say it’s not about the money when they show you the wad of $100 bills in their pocket. Look - there are 168 hours in a week and typically we spend 56 sleeping and 60 doing other things. What we do with the 52 we devote to our businesses are vital. Here’s what I have learned to do thanks to my most trusted advisor; block out a building day, a selling day, and 2 delivery days a week. This leaves an entire day for other things that pop up or to focus on the area of your business which needs the most attention this week. Maybe you need to build more? Maybe sell more? Maybe travel? Whatever it is it fits when we schedule ourselves like professionals. Try it - it’s powerful.
Take action now: When I get into a phase where I feel that loss of momentum OR have so much going on my head is spinning I begin to stop acting and start reacting to things. This is dangerous. Taking control and being proactive allows me to constantly remain on top of things, keep my momentum, and sharpen the edge I ride on. This allows me to do all I need to do for success and then some. Take action. You’ll love it.
Success achievement is not taught in school. It’s not handed out in “Success for Dummies” books, and you can’t find it on the internet. Success comes with a vision, strategy, and tactical plan. It comes with proper timing and rock star scheduling. Success is achieved through tremendous levels of action. But most importantly it comes from an extraordinary belief in your idea and a burning passion to see it come to life. That and the faith to know it will.