Success can make you fat and entitled. That’s a bad look.
When we sit back and live on our past successes we are choosing to engage the perspective “I’ve arrived”. You never actually arrive. You simply land in a place you have never been. Some choose to stay there. Some power on to higher heights. That is the difference between “used to” and “currently”. In sales and in life there is always something more. Always a next level, always another step, always a new accomplishment. If Steve Jobs had arrived with the MAC in the early 80’s where would we be now? If Oprah had arrived when she had a regional talk show out of Chicago where would we be now? If Donald Trump had arrived when he built the Trump Tower where would he be today? Living in the past is like driving a car by looking in the rear view mirror. Dangerous. It is vital to look back briefly and assess where we have come from but to live in that past time reality makes us inflexible, immovable, and unable to see the change needed to stay relevant and ahead of the curve. The new economy doesn’t care what you did 3 years ago, 3 months ago, or even 3 weeks ago. What matters is the level of expertise you delivery, the way you execute your role as a sales expert, and the experience you create for your buyer. These three tips will keep you from resting on the successes you may have achieved and will allow you to keep moving forward to a greater refinement of excellence;
1. Stay Hungry: You need the business. You need the deal. You need the income. Stop lying to yourself when you say you don’t. Simply because you were the top “whatever” last year does not mean you get to stay there. Ask the New England Patriots. Acquiring new business should be your mission in life. People want to know you authentically value their business and patronage. There is no place for the arrogance past successes create in the new economy. Buyers smell it and will go elsewhere.
2. Get lean: Shed the weight past successes cause you to carry. If you are ascending to a mountain peak you want to be carrying as little weight as possible. The same hold true in sales. The more past weight you carry with you the more difficult it is to be nimble, be flexible, and able to stretch to meet the needs of your buyer.
3. Get after it: Get humble and go get after the business you need. Get busy training, learning, working, pounding, grinding, and doing whatever it takes to get lean in the new economy and earn your next success.
It’s not enough to sit by and wonder what happened and reflect on how great you once where. Buyers do not care who you used to be. They care you are now. And what is more they care what you will do to improve their lives.
One of the saddest things I have seen in my work is the salesperson or business organization who says, “I/We used to...”. It’s like the former start high school quarterback telling the same glory story, the former homecoming queen who reminds you when she was voted most likely to succeed, or the successful businessman who’s business peaked 20 years ago but can’t let it go. The new era is here and buyers want lean, fast, and concise. If you are still heavy, laborious, and long winded – you’re probably also wondering why business isn’t coming in the door. Wake up! Time to shed the weight and start running again.
Sean Moffett - following yet?
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