I love success. But even more than that, I hate to lose.
My unadulterated belief is everyone on planet earth can benefit from my message, my training technology, and the inspiration I provide. I have been told this is an arrogant viewpoint however to me it's simply truth. My belief. My job is to share that belief and allow others to come along side. With that said, I was stopped dead yesterday with a realization I hadn't counted on. A short sightedness I had not predicted. A stumble which could have been avoided.
I need my own inspiration & training.
Certainly I shouldn't be as surprised at this realization as I am. Maybe it's because I thought I was concrete in this understanding already. I mean - obviously I drink my own Kool-Aid right? How many personal trainers go to McDonald's after a training session? How many Executive Coaches go home after a coaching session with a client paralyzed with their own fear? How many surgeons leave the operating room for a smoke break? I am sure the answer to all these questions is none. As I remove my tongue from its home in the side of my cheek I will say seriously I thought I was well heeled in my own message. Then it happened. I got cocky. I assumed the buyer would just buy. I broke every rule I have for why, how, and what to sell.
The outcome was predictable. I didn't close the deal. I really wanted the business for so many reasons. As I write this blog I am so grateful for the loss. So grateful for the miss. So thankful for the strikeout. It is easy to continue the positive forward motion when things are going well but the true test of strength isn't how well you coast when things are good. Rather it's what you learn, apply, and how you grow when things don't go as planned. We all whiff from time to time. What we do to quickly learn from our whiff and adjust how we do things will be the difference between continued success and failure moving forward. Here are the 3 things I turn to immediately when I miss;
1. Write down my goals - when I miss on a target, a deal, or an opportunity or when I feel a disappointment I immediately write down my goals. You have heard me say before to write down the large life goals we have daily and to write them down as a present tense achievement. In other words, write down the goals and dreams which are just higher than you think possible and write them down as though you have already achieved them. This always sets my mind on what is important to me. It focuses my energy and attention in a positive and forward place. Writing down my goals brings me comfort. Powerful.
2. Take time to learn - sometimes learning from my mistakes is the hardest thing I have to do because first I must admit I made them. The quicker I earnestly and honestly admit what I did wrong, reflect on how I could do things differently, and own the outcome of my mistake the faster I can put my newly found insight into action and get busy. I need to stop being a little bitch and get real.
3. Let it go - someone once said to me, "What makes you so special that you cannot allow yourself the ability to let go of your mistakes?" WOW! That was one of the most powerful questions I have ever been asked. Why do I think I am so important and so special as to not let it go? When others make mistakes which affect me I am quick to forgive, forget, and move on - why not the same for myself? The analogy which serves best in this situation is that of a baseball pitcher. When you give up a home run, get back on the mound, grip the ball, and throw a strike. If you can't let the last pitch go - you will never be able to throw the next one.
In my mind I should close every deal I have the opportunity to be involved in. My mission is to see others become greater than they ever thought possible so why wouldn't I believe everyone needs my services. I know I can help inspire greatness, lift an industry, and change the way the world sells for the better. With that said, I am thankful for the reminder that I need my own inspiration, training, and advice. I'm back on the bump. 100MPH fastball.
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