To be THE MAN in sales you gotta ACT like a WOMAN.
Acting like a woman means you care about your client. You care deeply about them. So much so, that you are willing to tell them what no one else will. You must tell them the brutal truth. This is called communicating clearly.
I was speaking with a client of mine today and she was telling me how she didn’t close a real estate listing appointment.
She hated the client’s house. She said it was ugly, in poor repair, and smelled like wet dog. I asked, “did you tell them?” “NOOOOOOO!” she replied. “I didn’t want to offend them.” I said, “The only thing offensive about that is that you don’t care enough about them or their home sale for you to tell them why their home isn’t going to sell. That’s also the reason they didn’t hire you.”
I understand how hard it is to tell the brutal truth to people. Shit...I lie to myself all the time. But to be THE MAN you have to care deeply about the positive outcome for your client. Enough to tell them what no one else will. Acting like a woman is about telling that brutal truth with empathy, understanding, grace, pointed truth, and clear desire to help them solve the problem once it’s on the table.
Do this:
- Look them strait in the eye. This will give them the non verbal clues needed for them to know you are not hiding anything from them.
- Be honest about how hard it is to tell them what you need to say. “I hate to be the one to say this to you because I know how much you love your home. But...your home smells like wet dog.”
- Relate to them. “I know it’s hard to hear but this is going to stop your home from selling it.”
- Give them hope. “I love dogs. You love dogs. A lot of people love dogs. This is easily looked after. We can make the animal friendliness of your home a real plus once the smell is gone.”
- Provide a solution. “I will bring in a deodorizer, a carpet cleaner, a maid service, and I will have the walls painted with fresh paint and it will look after everything. Sound good?”
You have to call out the elephant in the room with huge levels of care. In fact, the reason you call these elephants out is because you care so much about your client and want to serve them in a way they never have been served before. Having the confidence to communicate clearly with care and courage is what acting like a woman is all about. It makes you THE MAN.
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