Monday, March 4, 2013

Are You Showing The Love?

The acquisition of new business is the most important thing to any company.

In fact, it is so vital, if you do not cultivate new opportunities for your business you will quickly be out of business.

As a salesman and business owner, I spend a lot of time in the acquisition of new clients. It’s mission critical for my business. 

I’m a sales trainer, speaker, and mentor. If I don’t find new clients to teach, audiences to share with, and professionals who want to take their businesses to higher levels...I’m dead. 

I have developed a new way to sell which connects with buyers on a level every buyer wants to connect on. I’m on a mission to change the world of selling and I must gain as many new opportunities to serve that mission as I can. Daily. I use social media as the way to connect with all the prospects I could ever want to access. And I take massive action in the wooing, courting, building relationships, and winning clients to my side. I close regularly and often. It’s essential. 

Today I learned a critical lesson that will appropriately shift my focus. I must always deliver after sales service with the level of intensity, wooing, courting, and relationship building I did before the sale was completed. And so must you.

You know this is right. It makes sense. But the knowledge of it and practice of it are two different things. There are lots of times you do everything in your power, and then some, to win a client. Good for you. If you don’t continue in the relationship, after the close, with the same passion and intensity you did when the deal was landed - your client feels it. They start questioning your intention. Your true desire to work for them. If they made the right decision to work with you. 

Think about the last time you were sold something big. When the level of effort displayed for you after the sale was not equal to or greater than the level displayed prior to the sale, how did you feel? Let down? Ripped off? Pissed off? Disappointed? Exactly! And so do your clients. So do my clients. This is not acceptable.

Sales people are fighting to gain new clients and in the same breath complaining about how customer loyalty is dead and how clients only care about the price. Because as sales people we make them disloyal and only concerned about price. Show clients the same level of love after they say yes and you’ll find loyalty and a price won’t be the main event.

You know this is true because it has happened to you. I know it’s true because it happened to me. Today. And it’s hugely disappointing. I want to believe in my sales person/service provider. I want to believe in the vision they sold me. I want to believe in the picture they painted. I feel foolish when the actions behind their words don’t match. So do you. Your clients deserve more than that. So do mine.   

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