Thursday, June 27, 2013

The REAL Reason Paula Deen Was Canned!

Paula Deen wasn’t fired because she’s racist. She was fired because she’s a liar.

Deen carefully sculpted her image; a down home, southern, motherly type. The kind of matronly auntie you greet with a big hug. The kind of real woman who makes everything better, “sugar”.


Deen was fired and is only now remorseful because she acted like a self centered, arrogant, lying, male. She was inauthentic to her brand. She sold the matronly persona well. To a “T”. But it all unraveled when she was asked to truly be that real woman she was selling.

How convenient for her to keep her diabetes a secret until she could find an endorsement deal to profit from. That’s not being a real woman. That’s being a selfish opportunist.

Now is she crying and apologizing for her “behavior” AFTER being sued by a former 5 year employee who is claiming a shocking pattern of alleged racism, including the use of the ‘N word’, sexual harassment and infliction of emotional distress and assault while working at Deen’s Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House. Oh, and loosing all her business deals and endorsements. 

That’s not being a real woman Paula Deen. The kind of matronly woman I look to as safe and comforting. The kind of woman you sold me on being. In fact, it’s you exhibiting the worst kinds of male typical behavior of ‘avoid and deny’ until everything starts crumbling and THEN begging for forgiveness. You never cared, you never truly connected, you never communicated clear truth. Now all that business you closed is running from you. You never acted like the real woman you portrayed.

Paula Deen got fired for being completely inauthentic to her brand. She exhibits the worst of the male-centric traits I see from businessmen all the time. Self-centered, arrogant, profit first, say whatever needs to be said to sell the product and close the deal. 

I’m sick of it.  

Business and sales are about relationships today. Growing those relationships through real care, true connection, and clear communication allows the close of the deal to happen confidently and on a frequent basis. When you do business with these elements of relationship building at the forefront of what you do, you will become wildly successful.

Paula Deen faked the real womanly attributes of care, connection, communication and closed tons of business as a result. She’s out on her ass now because it was simply that...a fake.