Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Bipolar Roller Coaster

You have to wonder about those people who never seem to have an off day.

I was told today I was one of those people. I'm not.

Someone said to me today, "Sean...you're never down. You are never off. So many people look to you for inspiration and you're always there. How do you do it?"
It set me back on my heels. The truth is I'm not always up. I have many down days. I'm not the positive affirming guy in a suit with all the answers. I have given you the wrong impression and for that I am sorry. Frankly, I'm bipolar. I'm up and down like an emotional roller coaster. AND owning my own business just makes it that much more difficult. The highs of my business are so high and the lows seems devastating. Couple that with my own emotion struggles and it is friggin brutal.

You struggle with this too. You have days that feel so high they are incredible and others where you can barely get out of bed. I get it. I understand. It's not glamourous, fun, or anything you want to talk about when people ask you "how's it going?"

What I have learned and I want you to know is being strategic in the highs and the lows is the best formula to counteract the "bipolar roller coaster". Whether your bipolarity is business based or mental health based.

Having a rock solid go to strategy will save you from the manic highs that keep your mind racing and have you taking on more than you can complete. It will also save you from the 27 storey crash that comes from in the down times.

Here are the 5 things I've learned to do:

1. Admit the state you're in. Up or down, you must be honest about where you are and how you are feeling about it. The key to strategizing is being honest about where your at.
2. Keep a journal of all of the things I am grateful for daily. This will allow you to focus in your highs and be reminded of what is great in your life when you're down.
3. Take time you quiet yourself when things are going "amazing". You must settle and calm yourself in the manic crazy times. You will feel like this is a waste but if you can settle your mind you will internalize more of the good that's happening and sustain your high feeling longer.
4. When you are down take the time you need. You beat yourself up about where you are and how horrible you are when you're down. I do too. This only drives me further down and it takes longer to recover. Take a break. 15 mins, an hour, a half day, a day, whatever it takes and do something else. Physical activity is best.
5. Read your journal to a confidant. When you are feeling down you must read your gratefulness journal and its good to read it to someone close to you. NOT YOUR SPOUSE. Someone removed from the situation who can listen and be there for you. It will remind you of what is good AND will remind you that there is someone who loves you.

The fact is I struggle big time keeping everything in check. In my business life and emotionally. The me you sometimes see is the veneered me. The me I have to present to get thru the day but the reality is I ride the bipolar roller coaster every day. You do too. What has helped me cope and stay in the game is focusing on strategy rather than riding the roller coaster. Riding the coaster has cost me so much and has literally almost cost me my life. If you feel like me I want you to promise me you will use the 5 steps I use and let me know how I can help you not only survive, but to thrive.