Monday, March 4, 2013

Are You Showing The Love?

The acquisition of new business is the most important thing to any company.

In fact, it is so vital, if you do not cultivate new opportunities for your business you will quickly be out of business.

As a salesman and business owner, I spend a lot of time in the acquisition of new clients. It’s mission critical for my business. 

I’m a sales trainer, speaker, and mentor. If I don’t find new clients to teach, audiences to share with, and professionals who want to take their businesses to higher levels...I’m dead. 

I have developed a new way to sell which connects with buyers on a level every buyer wants to connect on. I’m on a mission to change the world of selling and I must gain as many new opportunities to serve that mission as I can. Daily. I use social media as the way to connect with all the prospects I could ever want to access. And I take massive action in the wooing, courting, building relationships, and winning clients to my side. I close regularly and often. It’s essential. 

Today I learned a critical lesson that will appropriately shift my focus. I must always deliver after sales service with the level of intensity, wooing, courting, and relationship building I did before the sale was completed. And so must you.

You know this is right. It makes sense. But the knowledge of it and practice of it are two different things. There are lots of times you do everything in your power, and then some, to win a client. Good for you. If you don’t continue in the relationship, after the close, with the same passion and intensity you did when the deal was landed - your client feels it. They start questioning your intention. Your true desire to work for them. If they made the right decision to work with you. 

Think about the last time you were sold something big. When the level of effort displayed for you after the sale was not equal to or greater than the level displayed prior to the sale, how did you feel? Let down? Ripped off? Pissed off? Disappointed? Exactly! And so do your clients. So do my clients. This is not acceptable.

Sales people are fighting to gain new clients and in the same breath complaining about how customer loyalty is dead and how clients only care about the price. Because as sales people we make them disloyal and only concerned about price. Show clients the same level of love after they say yes and you’ll find loyalty and a price won’t be the main event.

You know this is true because it has happened to you. I know it’s true because it happened to me. Today. And it’s hugely disappointing. I want to believe in my sales person/service provider. I want to believe in the vision they sold me. I want to believe in the picture they painted. I feel foolish when the actions behind their words don’t match. So do you. Your clients deserve more than that. So do mine.   

Friday, March 1, 2013

Size Matters!

Size Matters!

No really, size matters. Ask anyone. If they tell you it doesn’t...they’re lying.

Women get their boobs, noses, and tummies done. Men get their heads, chests, and wallets done. Size matters to banks, families, people, businesses, and governments. Size matters to you. Size matters to me.

The size of your Twitter account matters too. If you’re saying it doesn’’re lying.

You judge the validity of a Twitter account by the number of followers attached. Yes you do! And so do I. I’ve worked at adding numbers to my account daily and growing my feed through content, connection, being a thought leader, and promotion. Yes promotion.

I’ve been where you are. I know how you’re feeling. I sat stuck at 657 followers too, trying everything to get people to connect with me and follow me and I had no idea how to change it. Just like you are. There were people who had millions of followers and they were successful. I decided I would get millions of followers and be successful too. 

Here is the dirty little secret to growing a strong Twitter following that NO ONE ELSE will tell you. You must promote your Twitter account to grow it. Everyone who has a large following promotes their account. Just like the augmentation and enhancement I use on my wrinkles, hair, and body, I use the right promotions to increase the size of my following. 

Growing your following is essential. I am going to give you the 5 fastest ways, some of them are a tad nutty and may not be right for you (or me ie: sex tapes), but in all of them there is a real truth. GET ATTENTION! Use what makes you special to get attention and take risks:

Make a sex tape with a celebrity. Any level of infamy will grow your twitter following. Look at Paris, Kim, any of the Tiger 19, and Ashley Dupree who was banging Elliot Spitzer. They all gained HUGE Twitter followings and some of them even turned their 15 minutes of infamy into massive global success. This is NOT an option I advocate for.

Become a celebrity. If you have the one in a million talent to become a celebrity, can win American Idol, or the ability to write a book and tour your content you can grow your following that way. Here is the secret; even celebrities promote their accounts. I know dozens of celebrities who you would never think promote their accounts who do. They know size matters too. 

Buy your following from Twitter. Twitter will sell you what they call “advertising” for your account. For a large fee (approximately $1.00/follower) they will highlight and promote your account through their database and make suggestions to people who would be interested in your account, products, or services. $15000 will get you 15000 new followers. If you have THAT kind of should already have more followers. However, it is a great option.

Buy VampireZombieLifeSucking Robots. You can actually find thousands of robotic, spammer laden, blood suckers who will, for a very very low price, sell you a specific number of followers and have them in your account in no time flat. There are 2 problems with this: 1) They aren’t real people. They are real accounts being run by robots and do not engage, interact, or care who and what you are. They pump your numbers but do nothing else. 2) The VampireZombieLifeSuckingRobot SLAYERS at Twitter wipe out robotic accounts on a daily basis. They monitor accounts constantly and purge their database on a quarterly basis. You may have number for a while but eventually you will have no followers, no money, no interaction, and no sales! BAD CHOICE.

Promote Your Account Through an Organic Promotion Company. There are a few good Twitter promoters on-line who will promote your account, for a fee, to their database of real, authentic Twitter users and will guarantee the results. Sites like or offer different promotional products and services, organically, which will produce results for your follower count. A strong, authentic, follower count allows access to countless sales and business opportunities and adds credibility to your on-line presence.

Size matters. The larger your following the greater your opportunity to sell your products and services. You want the largest possible audience interacting with you and your message, regardless if you’re a bricks and mortar operation, online business, or service provider. Stop banging your head against the glass ceiling of onezie, twozie follows and promote your account through Twitter or an organic promotion company. Do NOT make the terrible decision to go “zombie style”. And hey, if all else fails...find a celebrity.